How to Take the Best Photos

On this page you'll learn how to take photographs so that the best artistic presentation of your subject can be made. 

Here are the basics:

1) Take a few wide photos from different angles, showing the whole scene.

2) Take close-ups of interesting details in the scene.

3) Try to avoid shadows that obscure significant areas of the subject.

4) Avoid "head on" photos (these tend to "flatten" the view.) Quarter-views are great.

5) Don't worry too much about clutter or "things in the way." These can be eliminated by the artist. That's one reason for different points of view in other photos to show what's behind the clutter.

Please bear with us while we create some illustrations and examples for this page - come back soon, and they should be here!

Copyright (C) 2008, Joan Daly. All Rights Reserved.